Monday, June 29, 2009

where i stay

so blue, so very blue

Monday, June 22, 2009

sounding quite still

you pretend not to look, but you can't help but grow like a plant towards the sun

back to the sketchbook

hooray for scanners that work and pencils as hairpins!

Went down to old school for the last time this season, and my fingers are sore from peeling adhesive remains off walls. Then I trawled my fabric haunts to get stuff for this saturday's shoot with samantha (click for flickr stream), and was inspired to spool up the sewing machine lying in my house to make clothes with all the fabric i've been collecting.

I am still searching for a job, though little ones have been trickling in. God willing, I will have just enough work to be happy (and i'm so easily happy, with breadtalk buns too), and be able to do the other non-work things I need to do.

Meanwhile, I don't need a job to keep me doing a doodle a day.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Claustrophobia is your magic cloak, your invisible circle. I can only pretend that I am close to you.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

joeun's death

One of my favourite school projects, compiling people's views on religion, life and death. I've always loved the projects that require field research, because my head isn't large enough to imagine what really is.

love at first sight,

something more at second.

for world AIDS day issue

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

the last of the last season

And so it ends, a dream at night that turned into five books and a spread of vinyl planes on glass. Thank you all who came and even those who took away my portfolio postcards (hello schon, I don't think you're the only one who took things away). I have given up counting which ones are lost and will just reprint that set for interviews. But please please don't take anything else away.

The party of tomorrow of a few days ago is still the party of tomorrow. Except now the stories in my head will have to creep out in different ways, in different places. There is a theme I would like to draw and it's making me stay in today.